After School Program

Academic After School Program

Title 3 After-School Program Plan

Rationale for Literacy:  Title III after school program intends to expand English/Spanish language development among MLL students, as well as immerse them in the study of American and immigrant cultures and customs, specifically within N.Y.C.  Teaching this year will be done remotely, and all trips will be “virtual”.

Rationale for Math:  When parents are active participants in their children's education, it is a mutual gain.  Thus, we believe that an andragogic approach for parents will give them a better understanding of the academic process of their children, and empower both parent and child alike.  Moreover, learning mathematics through the study of buildings, bridges, and parks will broaden their perspective of U.S. culture and customs, thereby expanding their knowledge and experiences as immigrants in this country.   

Parent Engagement will be aligned to the Mathematics theme that will be used with the students during the TIII program, primarily the study of geometric shapes found in NYC’s buildings, bridges and parks.

Parents will be notified through letters, Robo calls and Remind both in English and Spanish. Translation and interpretation unit will be called as needed.  Parent participation will be kept on file in school.


  1. MS ENL groups will be researching the food industry, i.e. from farm to factory, to consumer, FDA control, and the effect of preservatives on our health.
  2. Elementary ENL group will study and research various ethnic groups within Manhattan, beginning with a geographical overview, and including religions, diet, customs, and how these groups merge together in NYC.
  3. MS SIFE students will research and study how Upper Manhattan Landmarks are woven in the history of NYC.
  4. MS EP students will study U.S. National Parks, focusing on NYC and NY State to enrich and strengthen their knowledge of Spanish, through research, virtual trips, and group discussion and writing.

All studies will begin with a historical background of their respective subject.  Secondly, a virtual trip will follow to further enhance students' knowledge and development of the topic.  Lastly, the virtual trip experience will be brought back to the classroom for discussion and to demonstrate what has been observed and learned, and this will culminate in an activity that will involve art, and/or poetry, music, or short play writing.

Language of Instruction:  The language of instruction for ENL Entering and LTE’s students will be in English, with support in Spanish.  Students identified as SIFE will be instructed in Spanish.  EP students who are struggling in Spanish and are part of the Dual Language program will also receive instruction in Spanish with support in English.  Geometry in the City will be instructed both in Spanish and English.

Extracurricular After School Programs


  • Homework help
  • Art & Design
  • S.T.E.A.M – Web design
  • Sports & Fitness

Contact information: Stephanie Vargas